Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Hello everyone! So me and a few of my classmates went to Gardens By The Bay and shoot some photos. I reached mbs first so I waited for them while they were still 2 stops away. Jobie and I both didn't bring our dslr out so I was just taking pictures with my phone and she took pictures with her slr. They haven't sent me the photos they took on their dslr so I'll take upload the pictures another time. I shall just keep this post short!

Let me introduce them okay hahaha.
Front: Me, Jobie & Kai Yee
Back: Syazwan, Gracia & Amsyar

Can you spot Syazwan?

We wanted to walk to marina square but realized that it was too far so in the end we took a train to city hall and ate at raffles city!

Gracia's treat because she was feeling very generous on that day(NO, but actually, she just got her pay that's why). I definitely enjoyed my time with them, exploring the beautiful side of Singapore. We almost died from hunger cause we were busy finding a place to eat HAHAHA thank God for starbucks! And thank you Gracia, for treating us the drinks ;)

Alright. Just a short update. Will be back soon again for another update! Good night.
