Wednesday, April 18, 2012

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you handle it.”

Hi guys. Just doing a short update 'cuz I'm taking a break from doing my e-learning assignments (teacher asked me to 'cuz i didn't...) oppps, gonna have more updates only after my mid year examinations. :-)

Went to NEX with Adriana, Jiahui, Rachael and Ariel today, after school. :-)

Decided to eat Mcdonald's since there are seats (miracle)...

All of us started to take unglam photos of each other and end up laughing at ourselves.

Headed to Sogurt after that... Jiahui left halfway

This is Adriana ^__^

This is rachael ^__^

Photo taken by Ariel ^__^

And this is Ariel, HI!!!!

Went to the corner of somewhere outside the Library and we started camwhoring like mad LOL

Look at my kuku face

Woohoo, jump shot.

Adriana was suppose to carry Rachael haha but the timer was too fast.


I look like I am going to rape Adriana and my mum said this was like "What? Wanna fight?"

My shoes hahahaha

Adriana so strong lah sia!!!!

I was behind and I wanted to photo bomb them but was too late -__-

Happy faces!

Failed jump shot 1:

Failed jump shot 2:

Failed jump shot 4:

Did I mention??? The people inside the library were looking at all of us hahahah

the freaking weather was killing us so we went into the library and enjoy the aircon!

rachael reading her "Catching Fire"

Adriana reading some Singapore book hahaha

Loving my hair here!!!!


Okie, that's all. :-)

Ending off with this picture of me after my 2.4 run, erm should be 2.4 jog! Hahaha so proud of myself because I didn't even stop and walk. My timing: 17:52 ^__^ Woohoo, people say my face looks like angry bird after the run...... -__- but i ignored them. My face was really red but don't think it's so obvious over here in this picture. Well, bye bye, till next time. :-)