Saturday, November 19, 2011

Judgmental and coward bitches or assholes.

Here to blog about hate comments or haters. Ever since I created a Formspring account, I have received very nice anonymous messages which I really appreciate and it really makes me stronger, in person.

To haters out there:
I don't know what is the problem with all of you but I'm just going to accept all your insults and other comments on me. Since you like to judge? Judge more then. :) Think about it, if it is you who were in this kind of situation, how would you feel? Hey, I'm not going against you insulting me or whatever shit. But get this very clear in your pea brain head alright, I'd enough of your nonsensical comments and idgaf, I am who I am. Can't accept it? Then learn to deal with it. :) I know I have a suckish attitude and a very ugly face and you all hate me because that's what haters do right? Is that all you're being happy about? Wasting your own fucken time just to insult on me just to bring me down? Oh fuck no, I'm not gonna let all of those little things and comments to let me fall hard on the ground hard. I'm gonna be stronger yep.

Calling me a slut won't make you any better. Will it make you prettier? Nicer? Having a bigger boobs? Or more confidence in yourself? Fuck no, you're just making fun of your own self. And hey, get to know my well first before you even judge on me. Look at yourself in the mirror before you judge on me. Understand? If you don't then why not just leave me alone? Why do you care so much about me? Am I you? Or do you own my body? I really sympathize all of you though.... Sad, do you live to only judge people or me? I'm not being mean here or anything but just giving you a piece of my mind. On the other hand, I'd love y'all to confront me face2face or Facebook inbox me to confront me. Why be little dogs being an anon, and like a fool to insult people?

C'mon, if you have got the guts to insult me, you must have the guts to confront me yep :) I salute you if you insult me with a proper name or face2face. :)
Call me fake, say that I copy, say that I'm flat, I'm ugly, I'm short or anything. But what does all that makes you? You're more like insulting yourself more than you're insulting me. Stop being a laughing stock over at my Formspring :) If you think you're better than me, then you obviously will confront me but not hide behind that computer/laptop screen of yours to insult me like a little pathetic dog.

I don't care at all, I don't care about you judging me. In fact, I want to say a really big thank you because you're really being a entertainer to me and anybody else who reads my Formspring because they're in for a good laugh. Nobody's perfect, neither are you. Hate me? Leave and I totally welcome you to send as much as hate comments/insults as you want to. Love me? Then enjoy your stay over here, I'm sure I'll treat you the way like how you treat me. :) So what does all this makes you? You won't be any better y'know, like seriously. You're just making yourself a human who is even worse than me.

And yes, one last thing before I even end this post. Saying that I copy her or her or her or her? What fucking century are you in? God, are you still a little kid. Don't you copy too? Everyone does. If I'm copying someone, that someone will come and confront me if they're not happy about it. It's not like his/her stuffs are "Copyrighted". Everybody uses like almost the same words they say or whatever things. You mean I'm typing "i" right now, means I'm copying you? Ask me to get a life? You are the one who should get a life. Think about it, you're not a kid anymore and it's a whole new world and a whole different century. Have a good night and enjoy the rest of your life. Oh and ya, people will think that you're jealous of me. So watch who you're messing with. Think twice before you even want to comment about me. :) Cheers! xx